Where is my twitterive going to take place?  Is it going to be a physical place? Is it going to be a mental place? I was completely unsure of the answers of all of these questions until we discussed possible topics in class today.  Then it hit me, Disney World.  Disney has been a part of my family since I was four years old.  It doesn't matter what is going on at home as soon as I see the castle all of those stresses are gone and happiness fills my body.  It is a place where my family has vacationed for years.  So it seems like a place that fits.  What direction am I going to go with this?  I have absolutely no idea.  I am not sure how to use this my memories of this place to create the perfect twitterive.  I just know that this is the first place that came to mind.  Hopefully everything will come together smoothly for this project, fingers crossed.